Was this a dream? Could I really be sailing the azure blue waters of the Caribbean? Was this ME, anchored off the coast of the British Virgin Islands, sipping rum punch and luxuriating in the warm sunshine? Only 24 hours before I’d been enduring a bone chilling winter in the high plains of Wyoming. It’s hard to imagine how fiercely the wind can blow across the tops of the mountains at 7000 feet until you’ve experienced it. 40 below with 80 below wind chill wasn’t unusual. It took hearty people to work the oil rigs and uranium and coal mines in that environment, but that’s where my life had been 24 hours ago.
Not today, though! I looked up at the masts of the windjammer sailboat. Today the sails were down, but tomorrow we would venture off to another blissful island, enjoying some more sunshine and the camaraderie of fellow adventurists from all over the world. This was heaven to me. I wondered, “how does one get lucky enough to be able to LIVE year round somewhere like this? “ What would it take to make that decision, to plunge into the adventure and the pleasure of life in a tropical paradise? I started interviewing the people I met who lived on the islands. "What made you move here?" Did you just come on vacation and stay, or did you plan in advance, save your money and then take the plunge? I got various answers. Some had come on vacation and spontaneously abandoned their lives in the big cities, or small towns in the Midwest; some had fallen so in love with the lifestyle that they had gone home and made intricate plans – sold everything, liquidated or arranged to relocate businesses – and then moved. For the first time in my travels to tropical locales, I began to see that I COULD DO IT! There were more adventures along the way, of course. I did move to St. Thomas several years later, though, and have never regretted that great adventure! Today, I’m stepping into a new adventure. I’m learning to market my business online, and to reach people across the world from my safe haven in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I’ve experienced some stumbling blocks: my lack of experience with technology and fear of not keeping up being the major one. It’s like being immersed in a totally new culture, or speaking a different language. It’s also about tapping into the creativity that I’ve somehow let lie dormant for the past few years. I’ve been blessed with an amazing community to help me on this journey, but found that I was my own worst enemy. Nagging doubts were emerging and I was struggling to get out of a state of inertia that I’ve been caught in for several years (More stories to follow!). I decided to tap into my “courage codes”. If I had the courage and sense of adventure to move to the Virgin Islands with only a few hundred dollars in my pocket, I could certainly tap into that pioneering spirit and take the plunge into online business, couldn’t I? OF COURSE I could. Here’s how I got myself motivated and enlivened - how I tapped into my passion and courage:
If you’d like to know more about my stories and the tools I’ve used to make it through the exciting and sometimes challenging transitions in my life, sign up for my newsletter and follow my Facebook page @KeenanWellness. Stay tuned for more blog posts at www.keenanwellness.com.
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AuthorDenise Keenan, a master bodyworker, master hypnotherapist, certified HypnoBirthing Instructor, and certified science of the breath facilitator, has been in the healing arts profession for over thirty years. She shares wisdom on overcoming challenges, finding courage, and practicing self-love in her blog. Archives
January 2015
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